synchronous movement +](Ö[

Synchronous Movement is an approach to those feelings experimented in a moment in the past that were changed and renewed by the movement till the present time. It is a look into “the base”, that one that is always changing and whose energy is in continuous transformation. It is an approach to the understanding of that nature-universe-mind phenomenon through that constant movement which life itself essentially is.

Three sequences suggest the possibility of imagining a world, in which the physical and the psychological worlds are no longer separated by a large barrier (impediment) and where synchronicity plays and important role as a special key to open the doors of that limit, a way to explore our interior order, so to make it the same as the exterior one.

The work does not finish until the observer comes in contact with it, being the observer who changes everything again just with the simple fact of observing it. Therefore the term “observer” must be replaced by “participant”. The concept “Zwischen” (in between) plays an important role here because the subject of knowledge cannot exit independently of their object of knowledge. If the object of knowledge is not present, the subject cannot exist. The contemplation of the vacuum between subject and object is particularly important in this work, but it could be sometimes broken by elements linked to the illusory figure of the ego -past sensations, thoughts of future ...-, preventing us from seeing the whole universe in every little thing.

Synchronous movement simultaneously works with two other projects, Economy of Nature and The Mantra of the Senses.


The presentation of the three sequences is designed as a loop playback, so to achieve an effect of spatial continuity as a state of infinite emptiness and timeless moment. Each sequence will be explained with their own descriptive text.

This sequence symbolizes a feeling of profound artistic connection between two people who are physically, but not psychologically, separated in space and time. By means of this connection one of them can feel what the other is currently viewing. Synchronous movement starts with the vision of this double rainbow.

el mantra de los sentidos I

Although there is no apparent connection between the first and second sequence, I wanted this video be part of synchronous movement because I was trying to represent the idea of loss or reduction of synchronicity, due to a lack of attention in the way we experience reality. Memories are so powerful that they may sometimes take us for a moment (psychologically felt as many years) to another space-time, denying us the synchrony or magic of the present moment.

z w i s c h e n

This last sequence is an abstract representation of that contemplation existing between the observer (in this case me, with the camera) and the observed. It forms the last video of synchronous movement. But this work does not end here, it continues with the new participant (public participation) who changes it again with the mere fact of observing it, and who allows the infinite synchronicity: a bridge, as D. Peat mentioned, between matter and mind.